Work to extend MQP’s Clee Hill quarry in Shropshire is going ahead after the creation of a new habitat for the resident great crested newts.
Biodiversity and site stewardship
We have biodiversity and geodiversity action plans (BAPs and GAPs) in place for all but one of our quarries and they are all published on our website. The exception is the new Smiths Concrete quarry at Woolston in Warwickshire where a BAP is being developed. We also have an indicator looking at quarries with high biodiversity value. These are defined as those located within 500 metres of a Site of Special Scientific Interest and all of them have BAPs in place. We have a database to manage actions within our BAPs and track progress.
We again participated in HeidelbergCement’s Quarry Life Award, a biennial competition aimed at encouraging biodiversity research at quarry sites throughout the Group. The top prize in the UK section went to a project carried out at Batts Combe quarry in Cheddar, Somerset by a team from the University of the West of England (UWE), which looked at the importance of grassland restoration of quarry benches for bats and concluded that revegetated benches can be highly beneficial for bats.
A survey carried out by UWE students as part of the project found that there were 16 times more bat species flying and feeding in the sheltered areas on quarry benches than on other grassland areas around the site, and made recommendations for the creation and management of new habitats.
Second prize went to Nottingham Trent University for a project carried out at Misson quarry in Nottinghamshire looking at the importance of bare ground habitat to invertebrate biodiversity.
For more information visit the Quarry Life Award website:

Biodiversity and site stewardship data
Biodiversity and site stewardship
61 57 57 Quarries with restoration plans
61 57 57 Quarries with BAPs and/or GAPs
59 57 56 Quarries with BAPs
59 57 56 Quarries with high biodiversity value
36 35 35 Quarries with high biodiversity value and BAPs
36 35 35 Marine BAPs
3 3 3 Total BAPs and GAPs
83 81 80 Note: Quarries are those that that have been operational in the last three years.